
Maria is an experienced Holistic Wellness Practitioner and Yoga Teacher with an empathetic heart and warm approachable personality. Since 2007, she has been devoted to artfully bringing together practices rooted in traditional knowledge and modern science, combining different healing modalities to serve individual students personal needs. Her classes and offerings are well received by clients in major yoga studios and luxurious hotels in Hong Kong, Belgium and UK.

Her offering of Integrated Psychotherapeutic approach is based on her specialties in Sound Healing, Yoga, Mindfulness Practices and Meditation, Face Yoga, Somatic Movements and Energy Healing. By encouraging authenticity and embracing individuality, with alignment of vision and values, she helps guiding to get in touch with one’s own integral self, to cultivate self-awareness and mind-body connections for achieving balanced psychosomatic state.

Her classes are grounding, enhances clarity, lightness with stability, strength and flexibility in both the mind and the body. Progressively transforming the mind and body inside out.